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ISO 9001 and 14001: Riese & Müller achieves key milestones in quality and environmental management

Mühltal, 11.09.2024: Riese & Müller, the premium manufacturer of e-bikes and cargo bikes, has been certified to the international standards ISO 9001 (quality management systems) and ISO 14001 (environmental management systems) since the summer of 2024. As part of the certification process, all quality and environmental management processes at the company’s site in Mühltal were reviewed, optimised and brought to a standardised level that is traceable industry-wide.

“As a company, we are very pleased to have achieved this high level of quality and environmental management. As a global manufacturer, this certification sends out a clear signal: we make our industry more efficient and transparent the more our joint work is based on shared standards”, explains Dr Sandra Wolf, CEO of Riese & Müller.

ISO 9001 is the most widely used and recognised standard for quality management systems (QMS) internationally. The extensive list of criteria includes customer expectations and assurance of legal conformity. Associated objectives include sustainability and the continuous improvement of processes, the avoidance and reduction of deviations, and the identification of risks and opportunities across all business operations.

ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management systems in companies. It calls for the comprehensive consideration, assessment and optimisation of all environmental aspects associated with business operations. This includes reduced resource consumption, exploitation of recycling potential, avoidance of waste and the promotion of environmental awareness at all employee levels.

The TÜV SÜD conducted an on-site audit at the Riese & Müller site in Mühltal in October 2023, followed by a Stage 1 audit in March 2024. All the relevant business areas were inspected by the TÜV SÜD auditors in person, the company’s processes were examined in detail, and the defined corporate policy was assessed. Based on this, Riese & Müller’s processes and systems were further optimised in recent months and finally certified in July 2024.

ISO certification is part of Riese & Müller’s comprehensive sustainability strategy. In addition to adhering to a premium quality standard for our products, the fundamental pillars of Riese & Müller’s approach to its responsibility include social commitment, promotion of a creative corporate culture, sustainable energy production, conservation of resources, an environmentally friendly production process and sustainable profitability.